Curbside Classic: 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air – A Child’s Daydream Machine, Now Hidden Under Covers (And With A Curious Engine Swap)

The ’59 Bel Air as shown in the FB Marketplace ad, parked by the curbside in our neighborhood in San Salvador.


Text submitted by Lorena Juárez.

It all began the day a message with a link appeared on my cell phone. “Blue 1959 Chevrolet for sale.” The ad’s link came with a question from my husband: “Do you know where this is at? It looks familiar…” I looked over the background details of the photo. Oh, yes. Of course I knew where the car was!

When I was about nine or ten, we used to go to the Catholic church near our home in San Salvador. One of those indistinct modern temples, with no central corridor nor naves. It was instead, a large open room with stained windows on its sides portraying various religious scenes. After church lessons, we would stay outside playing until our parents came to pick us up.

The ’59, parked not far from the Catholic church we used to go to. And not looking quite as nice as I remembered. Time hadn’t been kind.


And sometimes, we would just stare at that awesome sight on the other side of the street. That immense blue car. In those days, I had no idea what a Chevrolet was; I only knew the car was so massive and exotic… Quite pretty too. And what was it doing in our housing area, a blue-collar worker subdivision?

Cars are now common in our neighborhood, with parking being a chore. However, old Chevys are still very rare.


In the early 1990s, few of our neighbors owned a car. The nation was coming out of twelve years of civil war, and we were just one of those working families who lived in those “blue-collar” dwellings. In San Salvador, that meant blocks and blocks of houses with walking alleys, no garage spaces, and only communal parking areas.

That’s why, to see that large blue car there on the street, meant a great deal. A truly great deal.

The futuristic wings and taillights look pretty intact to this day.


Of course, we loved the sight of that car. Who didn’t admire those futuristic lines? Who didn’t dream in our street of taking a long trip in those seats? My girlfriends and I would often daydream about parades and parties around the city. We often thought of riding on those blue wings, being paraded around town as princesses.

But back to the present. Would the ’59 still be there? Yes, apparently the car was still near my mom’s house, but in an area I don’t frequent much. So, one recent afternoon, under threat of tropical rain, I went in search of the car my husband had been asking about.

The blue Chevy, as found under wraps.


After a short distance, the car was where I thought. Sort of. Let’s just say I knew it was “in hiding”, since next to our old church, there was “something” under heavy plastic wrappings. I got down on my knees and raised what I could of the thick plastic to see under. Yes, it was the ol’ blue Chevy.

Walking down that alley had brought back those lost childhood days and then a memory came, out of nowhere: What had happened to the other one?

In the sales ad there are references to the now-gone green car in the form of a Chevy engine block, suspension pieces and others as part of the whole deal. Meanwhile, the blue one is now powered by a 4-cyl. Isuzu diesel.


That’s right! There used to be two! Yes, in that corner of our neighborhood street there used to be two identical Chevys at the alley’s entrance: one green, and the other blue. It hadn’t always been a solitary one; there used to be a twin in precious metallic green.

“Can you see if there’s a way to find out more about the car?” asked my husband via text after I sent him the photos of the car under wraps. I then entered the alley and knocked on every house. Few came to answer, other than a grumpy old neighbor.

The last house was, let’s say, suspect in appearance. In the middle of a household quarrel, while chasing a kid, a young woman came to the door. I asked her about the car’s owner and all she answered was a deflating “I’ve no idea!” She then slammed the door and from inside, a loud “Sorry!” was heard.

I stared at the car from my childhood for a while, and remained long enough that I’m sure my presence and intentions became suspicious (not hard to do in Central America). In my insides, a tantrum was taking place. There was no pleasure in finding the old car stored, hidden, and out of sight. Afterward, I went back to my mother’s house before the afternoon rain came pouring down.

The blue one’s interior. No idea if it was originally a manual, or if the shifter is a later mod to work with the Isuzu diesel.


Later, once at home with my husband, further questions arose. What had happened to the green car? Had the Chevrolet’s owner passed away and his heirs were set on getting rid of what must have been one of his most precious possessions? What to do with such an outstanding and out-of-the-ordinary car when no one appears willing/able to buy it?

Under plastic covers, I assured my loving husband, there was a blue Chevrolet; now missing his father, mother and twin brother. A breath of exotic beauty in this city that has grown beyond anyone’s imagination, and that can barely contain the thousands of gray Kias roaming its streets.

As of last week, the blue Chevy is now gone. Only an empty space remains in the old alley. Has it finally found a new family?


Related CC reading:

Curbside Classic: 1959 Chevrolet Byscaine – The Original Art Car

Museum Car Classic: 1959 Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe – The Chevy Horror Picture Show

CC Story: 1959 Chevrolet Impala – Close Encounters Of The Third Kind