(first posted 8/21/2011) We often use this space to take a serious look at our passion-cars and the companies that make them. But a little lighthearted diversion now and again keeps everything in perspective in a world gone mad.When I penned a piece about TV cop cars a while back, I was frankly astonished that there were as many people as myself that enjoyed the intersection of pop culture and commerce.
I often find myself singing along with the radio in my car (and believe me, I’m glad you can’t hear the result). After a broadcast career in a galaxy far, far away and many years ago, I have called on my DJ experiences to connect the dots between music and mobility. The result is the article you see below. It turns out that popular music and the auto industry have actually been friendly relations from the early days of both. So let’s hum a happy tune as we remember the times when the two seemed to be in perfect harmony.
In My Merry Oldsmobile-The earliest days of jaunty, open air motoring inspired one of the nations leading songwriters to exalt the nation’s newest pastime. As early as 1905, one of the biggest names in entertainment , Gus Edwards, penned the music for what became a pop sensation in its day. The 1903 curved dash Oldsmobile is considered one of the first mass market automobiles and as such, it was tailor made for a mass market song.
Radio hadn’t been commercialized yet, so the big money in those days was in the sale of sheet music. Public performances acted like radio airplay in our own time as free advertising for the composers product.The song was considered somewhat bawdy in its day, as it suggested that (as would become the norm with auto related tunes),the subject characters would engage in romantic congress at some point. The car itself was a smash- It stayed in production until 1907 and sold over 19,000 copies, big numbers in those days.
Terraplane Blues– A couple of explanations. One- The Terraplane was a Hudson series that helped get the company through the Great Depression and was produced from 1932 to 1938. Hudson needed the volume that a lower priced make could deliver and the’Plane did just that.
Two- This is a song about sex. Considered quite daring in its day,the song,recorded by blues journeyman Robert Johnson in 1936, was never a hit because it was considered way too racy for radio. But compared to what comes out of car speakers today, this belongs on The Old Time Gospel Hour. It sold about 5,000 copies and failed to make the charts. This is one of the few instances where the car sold many times the number of records about the car.
Hot Rod Lincoln– This song has been recorded half a dozen times since 1955, but it took Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen to make the song a smash in the summer of 1972.
More spoken than sung, its a toe tapper that really fits more into the novelty song category than serious music. It describes the travails of misspent youth in a race between then current Fords (hot rod V-8’s) and Lincoln’s (bigger hot rod V-8) . Its a rockabilly classic. It actually made it all the way to #9 in ’72, a remarkable performance for a song in that era that didn’t extol drug use.
409-The Beach Boys- Here is a song that stands taller in our memories than it ever did on the record chart. Lots of my buddies can recite the lyrics word for word for this ditty, which was released on the “B” side of the hit “Surfin Safari” in 1962. The subject matter is the W- series 409 engine that Chevy installed in some of its plain jane Biscaynes and Bel Airs in those years. These sleepers only looked mild mannered. The 409 had the beans to embarrass anything from FoMoCo or MoPar in those days. The song made it to #76 that summer and later inspired a lawsuit between Brian Wilson,Gary Usher and Mike Love over credit for the composition.
Little Deuce Coupe- More Beach Boys pop candy, this time from 1963. This song was not much longer than a commercial jingle (only 1:38) and sang the praises of the 1932 Ford V-8 that many beach bum types were hopping up in those days.
Mike Love provided the vocals,but the lyrics were penned by a California DJ named Roger Christian. It made it all the way to #14 in ’63 and is one of the very few songs from that transitional era in music to remain popular beyond its time.
Chevy Van- Who knew that you could seduce some comely young thing in a clapped out Chevy panel van? Robert Johns told us just how it went down in this 1973 smash (#5 on Billboard). Hey, it was the 70’s. It really could have happened. Anyway, I never figured out why Chevy didn’t use this tune behind their ads in those days. Maybe it was too counterculture. If you wince when you hear this, you probably knew all of the words at one time or another. Cover versions of this exist from such notables as Waylon Jennings (!), Eric Church and Sammy Kershaw. This song served as an early warning of sorts. All of those full size van rendezvous’ in the mid 70’s later resulted in huge demand for family minivans in the early 80’s.
Mustang Sally– A Wilson Pickett smash, and named one of the 500 greatest songs of all time.
This song actually charted twice (On R&B and Pop charts) and made the soundtrack of the 1991 feature film The Commitments. It’s highest ranking was #6 in 1966 in R&B and has been covered by more groups than we could possibly name here.
Low Rider– War- 1974. This is not a song about a specific car model, but more like a lifestyle. War included this as part of their 1975 album “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” and it zoomed right up the charts and has been featured in countless soundtracks and remade at least two dozen times since. MTV was still a half decade away, so we just have to imagine what the subject cars looked like. It peaked at #7 on the pop charts that year and was number one on the R&B chart for weeks.
Mercedes Boy- Disposable, saccharine, forgettable disco-lite, this is what passed for entertainment back in the 80’s. In my DJ days, I would rather take a beating than play this 3 times in 5 hours, but business was business and that’s what we did. Pebbles hit number two on the chart with this one and I stepped into the loo whenever it was scheduled for airplay. If you were listening out there, I sincerely apologize.
Pink Cadillac-This is not an Aretha Franklin song (although I wish it was- hers was “Freeway Of Love”). Actually Bruce Springsteen penned this one and Natalie Cole made it a top 5 smash in April,1988. More sexual metaphors that just happen to involve GM’s luxury division.
Okay, this is not an all inclusive list. I’ve left out a few. I would love to get some fresh perspectives on your favorite car tunes.
We Did Mention “Born To Run” Didn’t we?
“beyond the palace Hemi-Powered drones scream down the boulevard”
I remember Freeway of Love when it came out, even though I was only five at the time. It was always playing when Dad was puttering around in the garage – it must have gotten a LOT of airtime! I always liked it, but it’s seldom played these days.
I’m a Cranky Old Yank in a Clanky Old Tank on the Streets of Yokohama with my Honolulu Mama Doin’ Those Beat-o, Beat-o Flat-On-My-Seat-o, Hirohito Blues
One purported title with others proclaiming shorter titles omitting the “Doin’ Those Beat-o, Beat-o Flat-On-My-Seat-o, Hirohito Blues”
Hoagy Carmichael
You young whippersnappers ‘ceptin the couple or so ancient relics posting above.
A Guinness World Record holder. Nice!
One for the Germans who prefer bicycles to cars “Mein Fahrrad” By Die Prinzen. Chorus:
Jeder Popel fährt ‘nen Opel
Jeder Affe fährt ‘nen Ford
Jeder Blodmann fährt ‘nen Porsche
Jeder Arsch ‘nen Audi Sport
Jeder Spinner fährt ‘nen Manta
Jeder Dödel Jaguar
Nur Genießer fahren Fahrrad
Und sind immer schneller da.
Even Elton John got into car songs (sort of) with 1995’s Made In England:
“I was made in England, out of Cadillac muscle”, and a verse or two later:
“I was made in England, like blue Cortina”.
And on the subject of British pop/rock, Queen’s “I’m in love with my car” is a personal favourite!
And then there is “Crocodile Rock”
“Holding hands and skimming stones
Had an old gold Chevy and a place of my own”
“Long nights crying by the record machine
dreaming of my Chevy and my old blue jeans”
Lol, can’t believe I forgot that one!
This thread is too fun! Sometime in the early 2000s, Chevy used bits of songs featuring them in their print ads. They found out there was something like 1200 songs using Chevy or its products. Someone more adventurous than I can go looking through the “Upfront” section of C/D to find that information.
Sort of sad that most of the songs listed are pre-1993. I don’t hear any songs singing the virtues of Miatas or Priore (Prii? whatever…)
I searched the C/D Information Dirt Road and came up with bupkis. I did a web search and lo and behold Pandora is helping Chevrolet celebrate 100 years with a dedicated channel. It has 100 songs out of more than 600 possible! So halve what I wrote back in August.
I find it really funny that Weird Al’s “Dare to be Stupid” made the Top 100.
“Settle down, raise a family, join the PTA,
buy some sensible shoes and a Chevrolet
Then party ’till you’re broke then they drag you away
Its OK you can dare to be stupid!”
The Kombi song by Scrumpy Allard,off the album Scrumpy and friends
peter the cabbie- Redgum
Cant believe this was missed American Pie Don Mclean
I LOVE that song!
OH NO! All of you forgot the songs; (Oh Lord, Won’t You Buy Me A) Mercedes Benz by Janis Joplin,the obscure Speed On by Nicky Hopkins from The Tin Man Was A Dreamer album,Riders On The Storm By The Doors from the album L.A. Woman, to a certain extent, 19th Nervous Breakdown by The Rolling Stones, and Rusty Chevrolet by Da Yoopers!
You want obscure? Here’s some sixties Aussie obscurity: Blue Chevrolet Ballerina, by Ross Ryan. Even other Aussies mightn’t know it!
One of my faves is “old 55” by the eagles. Suns comin’ up. I’m riding with lady luck. freeways cars and trucks.
More of a trucking song, but how about Bonnie Jean by David Lynn Jones.
“She fell in love with a Kenny and a Jimmy and a Mack, lost out on the highway and she ain’t coning back”.
“Faster” by George Harrison from the 1979 album of the same name.
The song begins with the start from the 1977 British GP, and the F1 cars sound moves from one speaker to the other.
Wow, the cherries have all been picked.
How about, BTO Bachman Turner Overdrive – Roll on down the highway ?
“. . .454 coming over the hill
man on patrol. gonna give us a bill”
“…I’d like to have a jet but it’s not in the song” LoL
I E A T Z 28! Trans Am – Sammy Hagar
Also, by the forementioned Bottle Rockets, is a song called; Radar gun!
The Romancers – She Took My Oldsmobile
Chevrolet by ZZ Top, although the band Stray Dog performed the song better.
I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned Foreigner’s Rev On The Red Line. Of course I am not sure it was released as a single. It’s, in my opinion at least, the song that best portrays the hot rod/ street racer culture.
Isaac Hays’ Theme From Shaft has an opening rift that reminds me of wheels turning fast.
And, of course I have always liked Wilson Picket’s Mustang Sally.
Here’s an oldie moldy goldie from 1915.
Chattahoochee – Alan Jackson
“Way down yonder on the Chattahoochee
It gets hotter than a hoochie coochie
We laid rubber on the Georgia asphalt
We got a little crazy but we never got caught”
Headknocker – Foreigner
He drives a ’57 coupe
Walks with a stoop
He swears James Dean isn’t dead
I’ve played many of these car tunes on the radio, Alan Jackson to ZZ Top.
Florida Georgia Line managed to slip in a mention of Chevy Trucks in each of their first three hits. You’d almost swear GM was backing them, LOL.
In the 80s and 90s, I think music did more for Chevrolet’s image than the actual cars did.
And I’ll just leave this here…Dwight Yoakam’s 1989 masterpiece “Long White Cadillac.”
How about ’57 Chevrolet by Billie Jo Spears ?
Come and look at this old faded photograph.
Honey, tell me what it brings to mind.
It’s a picture of that ’57 Chevrolet.
I wish that we could ride it one more time.
Wow, six years from the original and I can’t believe no one mentioned “Hey Little Cobra” by the Rip Chords. A whole album of “Hot Rod Hits” too… I may have to go see if I still have this album, given to me by or “stolen” from an uncle.
https://www.amazon.com/Little-Cobra-Other-Three-Window/dp/B0032BVETA or https://www.discogs.com/The-Rip-Chords-Hey-Little-Cobra-And-Other-Hot-Rod-Hits/release/1738024
Novelty records…
From the Dr. Demento files: “Making Love in a Subaru”, by Damaskas
and much later on, “Rusty Chevrolet”, by Da Yoopers
One of my favorites, because it has a car (’66 Corvette), and mentions radio (The buttons on the radio didn’t seem to work quite right, But it picked up that oldie show, especially late at night).
“Riding with Private Malone” by David Ball.
Still love to crank up Maybelline and hear the story about the Ford that caught the Cadillac…
A lot of great songs here. Although the Kinks are not generally known for car songs, here’s one from them called “Driving” from their Arthur album about the simple joys of motoring to a picnic in the grass:
It’s obscure, but I think my favorite “Car Song” is John Hiatt’s “Tennessee Plates”.
Love John Hiatt and that is a great song.
Don’t think I saw this mentioned. If it was, I just plain missed it.
“Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman
“Black Cars” Gino Vanelli
“Black cars, black cars look better in the shade!”
And STILL nobody has mentioned Harry Chapin’s Taxi…I’m ashamed of you people.
“We learned about love in the back of a Dodge, the lesson hadn’t gone too far.”
No one who lived in SoCal in the ’60’s and ’70’s will ever forget this tune
Gold by John Stewart is a song I love to put on while driving long distances.
The K-DST classic rock station from GTA: San Andreas also had a lot of good songs I now associate with road tripping, like “White Wedding” by Billy Idol, “Running Down The Dream” by Tom Petty, and “Barracuda” by Heart.
Ol’ ’55 Eagles
Has anyone posted this one yet?
Queen – “I’m in love with my car”
The machine of a dream, such a clean machine,
With the pistons a pumpin’, and the hubcaps all gleam.
When I’m holding your wheel,
All I hear is your gear,
When my hand’s on your grease gun,
Oh it’s like a disease son,
I’m in love with my car, gotta feel for my automobile,
Get a grip on my boy racer rollbar,
Such a thrill when your radials squeal.
What about ” one piece at a time” Johnny Cash”
“Santa Baby” Eartha Kitt
“There is a Light That Never Goes Out” and “This Charming Man” by The Smiths.
I mentioned this the first time the article ran, but here’s a link to The Beat Farmers – Blue Chevrolet.
Gotta love some good double entendre.
Billy Joel. Keeping the Faith.
I thought I was the Duke of Earl when I made it with a red haired girl in a Chevrolet.
“Go Lil Camaro Go” Ramones
“SS396” Paul Revere & the Raiders
Hey, teenyboppers:
Try Hoagy Carmichael’s I’m a Cranky Old Yank in My Clanky Old Tank in the Streets of Yokohama With My Honolulu Mama Doing the Beat-o, Beat-o Flat of My Seat-o Hirohito Blues