(first posted 8/21/2011) We often use this space to take a serious look at our passion-cars and the companies that make them. But a little lighthearted diversion now and again keeps everything in perspective in a world gone mad.When I penned a piece about TV cop cars a while back, I was frankly astonished that there were as many people as myself that enjoyed the intersection of pop culture and commerce.
I often find myself singing along with the radio in my car (and believe me, I’m glad you can’t hear the result). After a broadcast career in a galaxy far, far away and many years ago, I have called on my DJ experiences to connect the dots between music and mobility. The result is the article you see below. It turns out that popular music and the auto industry have actually been friendly relations from the early days of both. So let’s hum a happy tune as we remember the times when the two seemed to be in perfect harmony.
In My Merry Oldsmobile-The earliest days of jaunty, open air motoring inspired one of the nations leading songwriters to exalt the nation’s newest pastime. As early as 1905, one of the biggest names in entertainment , Gus Edwards, penned the music for what became a pop sensation in its day. The 1903 curved dash Oldsmobile is considered one of the first mass market automobiles and as such, it was tailor made for a mass market song.
Radio hadn’t been commercialized yet, so the big money in those days was in the sale of sheet music. Public performances acted like radio airplay in our own time as free advertising for the composers product.The song was considered somewhat bawdy in its day, as it suggested that (as would become the norm with auto related tunes),the subject characters would engage in romantic congress at some point. The car itself was a smash- It stayed in production until 1907 and sold over 19,000 copies, big numbers in those days.
Terraplane Blues– A couple of explanations. One- The Terraplane was a Hudson series that helped get the company through the Great Depression and was produced from 1932 to 1938. Hudson needed the volume that a lower priced make could deliver and the’Plane did just that.
Two- This is a song about sex. Considered quite daring in its day,the song,recorded by blues journeyman Robert Johnson in 1936, was never a hit because it was considered way too racy for radio. But compared to what comes out of car speakers today, this belongs on The Old Time Gospel Hour. It sold about 5,000 copies and failed to make the charts. This is one of the few instances where the car sold many times the number of records about the car.
Hot Rod Lincoln– This song has been recorded half a dozen times since 1955, but it took Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen to make the song a smash in the summer of 1972.
More spoken than sung, its a toe tapper that really fits more into the novelty song category than serious music. It describes the travails of misspent youth in a race between then current Fords (hot rod V-8’s) and Lincoln’s (bigger hot rod V-8) . Its a rockabilly classic. It actually made it all the way to #9 in ’72, a remarkable performance for a song in that era that didn’t extol drug use.
409-The Beach Boys- Here is a song that stands taller in our memories than it ever did on the record chart. Lots of my buddies can recite the lyrics word for word for this ditty, which was released on the “B” side of the hit “Surfin Safari” in 1962. The subject matter is the W- series 409 engine that Chevy installed in some of its plain jane Biscaynes and Bel Airs in those years. These sleepers only looked mild mannered. The 409 had the beans to embarrass anything from FoMoCo or MoPar in those days. The song made it to #76 that summer and later inspired a lawsuit between Brian Wilson,Gary Usher and Mike Love over credit for the composition.
Little Deuce Coupe- More Beach Boys pop candy, this time from 1963. This song was not much longer than a commercial jingle (only 1:38) and sang the praises of the 1932 Ford V-8 that many beach bum types were hopping up in those days.
Mike Love provided the vocals,but the lyrics were penned by a California DJ named Roger Christian. It made it all the way to #14 in ’63 and is one of the very few songs from that transitional era in music to remain popular beyond its time.
Chevy Van- Who knew that you could seduce some comely young thing in a clapped out Chevy panel van? Robert Johns told us just how it went down in this 1973 smash (#5 on Billboard). Hey, it was the 70’s. It really could have happened. Anyway, I never figured out why Chevy didn’t use this tune behind their ads in those days. Maybe it was too counterculture. If you wince when you hear this, you probably knew all of the words at one time or another. Cover versions of this exist from such notables as Waylon Jennings (!), Eric Church and Sammy Kershaw. This song served as an early warning of sorts. All of those full size van rendezvous’ in the mid 70’s later resulted in huge demand for family minivans in the early 80’s.
Mustang Sally– A Wilson Pickett smash, and named one of the 500 greatest songs of all time.
This song actually charted twice (On R&B and Pop charts) and made the soundtrack of the 1991 feature film The Commitments. It’s highest ranking was #6 in 1966 in R&B and has been covered by more groups than we could possibly name here.
Low Rider– War- 1974. This is not a song about a specific car model, but more like a lifestyle. War included this as part of their 1975 album “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” and it zoomed right up the charts and has been featured in countless soundtracks and remade at least two dozen times since. MTV was still a half decade away, so we just have to imagine what the subject cars looked like. It peaked at #7 on the pop charts that year and was number one on the R&B chart for weeks.
Mercedes Boy- Disposable, saccharine, forgettable disco-lite, this is what passed for entertainment back in the 80’s. In my DJ days, I would rather take a beating than play this 3 times in 5 hours, but business was business and that’s what we did. Pebbles hit number two on the chart with this one and I stepped into the loo whenever it was scheduled for airplay. If you were listening out there, I sincerely apologize.
Pink Cadillac-This is not an Aretha Franklin song (although I wish it was- hers was “Freeway Of Love”). Actually Bruce Springsteen penned this one and Natalie Cole made it a top 5 smash in April,1988. More sexual metaphors that just happen to involve GM’s luxury division.
Okay, this is not an all inclusive list. I’ve left out a few. I would love to get some fresh perspectives on your favorite car tunes.
Off the top of my head.. Mind you a couple are more driving songs than songs about a car.
Highway Star – Deep Purple
Radar Love – Golden Earring
Beep Beep (Little Nash Rambler) – Playmates
Little Old Lady from Pasedena – Jan and Dean
Little red Barchetta – Rush
Deuce Coupe – The Beach Boys
I’m sure I’ll do a few face palms when others post ones I forgot about…
(ETA.. Eddie Cochran and Cut across Shorty! Great racing tune. Even the Rod Stewart version was good..)
My personal top 5 car songs:
“No Money Down” – Chuck Berry
“Bucket T” – Jan & Dean
“Racing In The Street” – Bruce Springsteen
“Rocket 88” – Jackie Brenston
“Car Jamming” – The Clash
Bitchin’ Camaro- The Dead Milkmen
I was once suspended for 45 minutes from my college radio station for playing a Dead Milkmen song.
“Cadillac Ranch”-Bruce Springsteen.
Anyone who’s ever been embarrassed by an untimely malfunction of their prized ride can relate to “No Particular Place to Go,” which is a Chuck Berry classic. As for personal favorites, put me down for The Rip-Chords’ “Hey Little Cobra” and Johnny Cash’s “One Piece at a Time.”
On the whole, however, I prefer truck-driving country songs, songs like “Tombstone Every Mile” by Dick Curless or “Six Days on the Road” by Dave Dudley. Since you mentioned Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen, I’ll add “I Took Three Bennies and My Semi-Truck Won’t Start” to that list.
The very first record I ever bought was “Little GTO” by Ronnie and the Daytonas. My first LP? Little Deuce Coupe.
I saw this car at the Gilmore Museum in Michigan.
No Particular Place To Go by Chuck Berry!
Back in the ’70s I was a comely young thing who got seduced in a Chevy van. Our entire culture was very different back then, that’s for sure. I don’t think anyone can really understand it unless they lived through it…
Gosh, I wonder why Robert Johnson chose the Terraplane for a song about sex?
Terraplanes were fast ,fast is sexy
Could it be the hood ornament?
Mercury Blues, pretty much any version
I’m bad, I’m nationwide, ZZ Top
And Janis Jolplin’s Mercedes Benz deserves honorable mention.
Sammy Johns for Chevy Van
Most of the songs listed can be heard ay YouTube
Sniff ‘n’ the Tears– Driver’s Seat
One more of many road/car related tunes.
Looks like you beat me to it on driver’s seat. You don’t hear it oftern on the radio, but it takes me back to ’79 like no other tune.
Here is something recent that just makes you want to drive faster, faster, faster…
The song is “Faster” by “Within Temptation”.
Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDJpf2mQ0w4
Give it until the chorus “I go faster, faster, faster…”
You will like it and can not resist putting the pedal down!
Can’t believe nobody said this one…
Reno Bound – Southern Pacific
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7ktEYvzRqQ The only cuar song I had to have off of iTunes. I blame it for the fact that I still lust after Cadillacs.
Rolling down the superslab,
Pearl pink Cadillac
Red head riding shotgun
Guitar in the back
Radio up
Top rolled down
Got the cleanest Eldorado around
Pearl paint, CADILLAC
Long and shiny, CADILLAC
Open ragtop, CADILLAC
Oh and of course “Route 66” my favorite version is the one recorded by Asleep at the Wheel.
Robert Mitchum- Ballad of Thunder Road
Jan and Dean- Dead Mans Curve
Beach Boys-Shut Down
Jan and Dean-Drag City
Easy one-American Pie
If You Got the Money Honey (Caddy)
Jungle Land by Springstein- no specific cars but all about them
Pure hillbilly – Up Against the Wall Redneck Mother (pickup truck, think GMC but can’t remember)
The songs weren’t specifically about the cars but they had a big part in them.
I had a few that I thought you guys missed, but I searched and found somebody already mentioned the Little Old Lady from Pasadena and even Hey Little Cobra. I’ve still got this one:
B52’s — Love Shack
I got me a Chrysler, it’s as big as a whale, and it’s about to set sail!
Hop in my Chrysler, it seats about twenty, so come on and bring your jukebox money!
(The car in the video for this song is a 65 Chrysler convertible.)
I loved This when I drove my 86 Marc Cross LeBaron Conv… styling as I looked at The Hood ornament… Today I Drive the 203″ Intrepid, That passes as a Chrysler whale. The B52’s are fun. I Just reaLIzed that I now B-52.
Thats just the Way it Is, Baby.
Loved the $200 k Chrysler I saw sold on Mecum This Weekend.
Don’t forget Planet Claire…..She drove a Plymouth Satllite, Faster than the speed of light.
I think most Chuck Berry tunes involved cars at some point but how could we forget his first smash ‘Maybelline’? Or the Beatles; ‘Drive My Car’? Does anyone remember ‘Transfusion’ by Nervous Norvus?
Transfusion, transfusion, my red corpuscles in mass confusion.
I’m never never never gonna speed again,
Put a gallon in me Alan.
Slip the blood to me, Bud.
Great Song … came out Amazingly early in 1956. Is it just about gas though?
Still have the 78!
“Paint Your Name in Purple” by Trent Sumner — great rockin’ ditty about circle track racing.
“Since I was nine I spent my time, out back in daddy’s garage
Checkin’ points and plugs, tires and lugs, and learnin’ ’bout a big block Dodge”.
A couple more:
Pickup Man- Joe Diffie
Rapid Roy (That Stock Car Boy)- Jim Croce
Of course my favorite Cars album cover is Candy-O
And one that should be about a car but isn’t:
Little Red Corvette- Prince
Edit: One more:
Rusty Chevrolet – Da Yoopers
Good catch!
When I first started as a DJ in my hokey hometown radio station, I played the 45 of “Little Red Corvette” so many times that you could almost hear the other side.
By the way-This cartoon (In My Merry Oldsmobile) is not to be missed:
Found a copy of the cartoon/song from 2012
mazder3. You reminded me about another Jim Croce one about a drop top Cadillac-You Don’t Mess Around with Jim.
Don’t know how I could have missed it as I just sold my dad’s 76 drop top Cadillac.
nice catch with the Jim Croce tune, Mazder3! Everyone seems to forget about him… good singer.
Don’t forget Leroy Brown’s custom Continental and Eldorado, too.
455 Rocket by Kathy Mattea
One of my favorites too.
Mr. Smith had an Oldsmobile, baby blue with wire wheels…
How could I forget Weird Al’s ode to his troubled ’64 Plymouth “Stop Draggin’ My Car Around”? Or how about Adam Sandler’s “Ode to my Car”? Or Jamiroquai’s “Travelling Without Moving”, the first 10 seconds of which is the sound of Jay K starting up his Diablo and running it through the gears?
Then there are three songs that I know of that aren’t about cars but due to advertizing usage they are permanently connected to them:
Like a Rock- Bob Seger (Chevrolet trucks)
Capoeira Mata Um (Zoom Zoom Zoom)- Traditional Capoeira song performed by Serapis Bey (Mazda)
The Choice is Yours (revisited)- Black Sheep (Kia Soul)
“How could I forget Weird Al’s ode to his troubled ’64 Plymouth “Stop Draggin’ My Car Around”?”
OMG never heard of that before, but found it on youtube — that is hi-freakin-larious!
Another one: “Belvedere Crusin'” also by Al but it never made it album. Not his best, but he was 16 at the time and it was his first song on the Dr Demento Show:
The audio is smeg in the first stanzas so here are the lyrics for them:
Now, you won’t find me braggin’
‘Bout my big green station wagon
Or tellin’ ’bout the traffic laws I’m breakin’
Everybody knows that I wouldn’t dare
Match my wits with a red Corvair
And just the thought of a Pinto leaves me shakin’
Now, I don’t think that I could hack
Drivin’ a big white Cadillac
With ripped up upholstery and unnecessary frills
No, I don’t think that I could bear
Drivin’ somethin’ other than a Belvedere
In a Belvedere I can really get my thrills
Goin’ Belvedere cruisin’ tonight
Just watch me pass that Porsche on the right
I can take you anywhere
In my 1964 Belvedere
Goin’ Belvedere cruisin’ tonight
Fun, fun, fun by the Beach Boys
From Motown: Martha & The Vandellas “Motorin’ (B-side to “Nowhere To Run”) and The Contours “Pa, I Need a Car”
Otis Redding & Carla Thomas’s “Tramp” mentions Cadillacs, Lincolns, Mustangs and and T-Birds. As does Etta James’s “Mellow Fellow”
Am I the only one who remembers how Rod Stewart’s “old chevy van kept breaking down” in Maggie Mae?
Highway Patrol by Junior Brown
Blues Theme by Davie Allen and the Arrows
Junior has another one called “Little Rivi-Airhead” about a Buick Riviera-driving dingbat:
“Not too smart,
But she can really move a sled
She’s my pretty little Rivi-airhead!”
For those that don’t know Junior Brown, I pity you. I truly do.
I got a star on my car and one on my chest,
A gun on my hip and the right to arrest,
I’m the guy who’s the boss on this highway,
Watch a how your driving when your ridin’ my way
If you break the law you’ll hear from me you know,
I’m a workin’ for the state I’m the highway patrol…
I have to go Look Up this one now… I have always wanted a Riviera…. and yet hesitated, That Color Tube Would Die I bet, and the dash with it…and that scares me.
But maybe you have to be an airhead to drive one happily.?
Sheryl Crow – All I wanna do: ” they drive their shiney Datsuns & Buicks”
Blondie – Rapture: “Cadillacs, Lincolns too, Mercurys, & Subaru”
Chuck Berry – Maybelline: “I saw maybellene in a coup de ville, A cadillac a-rollin’ on the open road,Nothin’ will outrun my v8 ford”
“Telegraph Road” by Dire Straits, which is about both driving and Detroit; ungodly long (over 14 minutes) and poignant to the point of being depressing, but still a beautiful song.:
You know I’d sooner forget but I remember those nights
When life was just a bet on a race ‘tween the lights
You had your head on my shoulder you had your hand in my hair
Now you act a little colder like you don’t seem to care
But believe in me baby and I’ll take you away
From out of this darkness and into the day
From these rivers of headlights these rivers of rain
From the anger that lives on the streets with these names
’cause I’ve run every red light on memory lane
I’ve seen desperation explode into flames
And I don’t want to see it again…
From all of these signs saying sorry but we’re closed
All the way, down the Telegraph Road
(copyright Universal Music Publishing Group)
Last frontier -Redgum
Usedcars Springstein
I wonder if you knew that Brigitte Bardot sang something called “Ford Mustang”, a song by Serge Gainsburg, her then (1967) lover.
I think for myself and many other CCers, this song by The Bottle Rockets called “Thousand Dollar Car” sums a lot of things up, and the writer clearly knows of which he speaks:
Thousand dollar car it ain’t worth nothin’
Thousand dollar car it ain’t worth shit.
Might as well take your $1000, and set fire to it.
$1000 car ain’t worth a dime,
You lose your $1000 every time.
Oh why did I ever buy, a $1000 car.
$1000 car is gonna let you down,
More than it’s ever gonna get you around.
Replace your gaskets and paint over your rust,
You’ll still end up with something that you’ll never trust.
$1000 car’s life was through,
‘Bought 50,000 miles ‘fore it got to you.
Oh why did I ever buy, a $1000 car.
A $1000 car ain’t even gonna roll,
Till you throw at least another thousand in the hole.
Sink your money in it, and there you are
The owner of a 2,000 dollar 1,000 dollar car. (guitar solo)
If you’ve only got a $1000,
You ought to just buy a good guitar
Learn how to play it it’ll take you farther
Than any old $1000 car.
If a $1000 car was truly worth a damn,
Then why would anybody ever spend ten grand
Oh why did I ever buy
A thousand dollar car….
When I was 16, I had heard Heart’s “Barracuda” at a pool hall and really liked it, so I went and bought a Greatest Hits tape of theirs. I liked a lot of it, but “Crazy On You,” while really not car-related, is still my favorite ass-hauling song. I drove my Grand Prix at rather illegal speeds on the backroads of rural northeastern Oklahoma with that song blasting. At 70-90 mph, there is no song I’ve ever heard that seems to fit better. It’s a damn shame they slobbed into sappy girl songs later on, because the stuff from the ’70s kicked major ass.
“Lord Mr. Ford,” surprised no one mentioned it yet.
“When Daddy Let Me Drive” is special to me, sappy as it is. When it came out and I’d heard it for the first time, I called my dad and told him there was a song on country radio that would mean a lot to him when he heard it because it almost perfectly describes my childhood and how he let me drive everything from the earliest age. I didn’t tell him what it was about, just that it was a new Alan Jackson song. He called me crying when he finally heard it.
“25 Miles” by Edwin Starr is a song about walking back home to a woman, but it works pretty damn good as a driving song, too.
“My Hometown” by Springsteen, just for the Buick reference and the immediately vivid image that the phrase “big ol’ Buick” conjures.
God, there are a bunch…
Not really about a car at all but one of a car’s many uses-Meat Loaf’s “Paradise By the Dashboard Light.” Also there ain’t no Coupe deVille hiding at the bottom of a Cracker Jack box in “Two Out of Three.”
I have ALWAYS loved this line, and so far have never had one…
LONG WHITE CADILLAC – DWight Yokum Is a Great tune too…
But The Meatloaf song…. THAt is My Favorite line… I Love How CoupeDeville Sounds
Steve Earle – Copperhead Road
Not an actual car song but has some great lines in it.
Now Daddy ran the whiskey in a big block Dodge
Bought it at an auction at the mason’s lodge
Johnson County sheriff painted on the side
Just shot a coat of primer then he looked inside
Well him and my uncle tore that engine down
I still remember that rumblin’ sound
Well the sheriff came around in the middle of the night
Steve also had an album cut about his SS 396 Chevelle called sweet little 66.
“built by union labor on American soil, my sweet little 66”
+10 DAN
Since we’re on roads now, how about Rodney Crowell’s Telephone Road. A notoriously dangerous area of south Houston.
I keep coming back to look at that Biscayne — what a cool car, the2-tone beige and brown interior is so perfect with that red paint…
I tend to exceed the speed limit by a fair amount (freeway only) if Motley Crue’s “Kickstart My Heart” is blaring from the speakers. Can’t help it!
You know what really does it for me on the road, though? Hot, swingin’ jazz/bebop. Dizzy Gillespie, Cannonball Adderley, stuff like that. Try it sometime.
The “Mercedes Boy” music video appeared to revolve around a W126 coupe with an airbag and with the roof shorn off.
Ok There are a few I Thought of No One Mentioned…. But My Personal Favorite
Would Have To Be
Little Red Corvette By Prince
Though I much prefer Thunderbirds…
Radar Love… Is A Great Driving Song as is AUTOBAHN – Kraftwerk
“CARS” Gary Numan… Were Playin in cars
Stand Back by Stevie Nicks Was inspired by Little Red Corvette
Uneasy Rider – Charlie Daniels Great Song
Hot Rod Lincoln – Commander Cody
Drive – The Cars — Serious Topic. DONT DRINK ,or DRUG And Drive!!!
Chevy Van – Great 75 Florida Song as is STAR & Stuck In The MIddle With You
Firebird – Ohio Express ?? I Dom Rem How This goes…but I have it
We should make a CD 4 volume set at this rate…. Little Honda – Beach Boys
I FORGOT…. FUN FUN FUN – Beach boys …till daddy takes the t-bird away! How Could I?
I have to go Look Up this one now… I have always wanted a Riviera…. and yet hesitated, That Color Tube Would Die I bet, and the dash with it…and that scares me.
My 455….. Kathy Matteo
I can’t believe that nobody has mentioned Janis Joplin: “Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mer-Cedes Benz . . . ”
A little older is a song “Sorry, I want a Ferarri” from a 1959 James Cagney movie “Never Steal Anything Small.”
Another real oldie (and a fabulous one) is a song from the ’40s by the Nat King Cole Trio “What Makes Me Treat You the Way That I Do?” –
“Bought you a fur coat for Christmas
A Diamond Ring
A Big Cadillac car
And everything
What makes me treat you the way that I do?
Gee Baby ain’t I good to you.”
Also Billy Joel’s “Movin’ Out” that refers to the Cad-i-lac-ac-ac-ac-ac-ac-ac-ac.
Oops – two more real oldies: The G.I Jive by Louis Jordan and his Tympani 5 from the 40s
“This is the G I Jive
Man Alive
They give you a private tank that features a little device called Fluid Drive
Jack, if you still survive
Chunk all of your junk
back into your trunk
and fall on your bunk
There is also an obscure 40s instrumental from the Jimmie Lunceford band called Jeep Rhythm.
Also somewhat obscure is “Blue Chevrolet” by the Beat Farmers. The Beat Farmers were a San Diego institution who almost made it nationally in the late 80s. They played what was called “cowpunk” at the time but now would probably be described as “alt-country” — except they had a raunchy, beer-soaked sense of humor that Wilco et al totally lack.
“He’s the king of the cobras, a pavement hound
He plays upon a waitress at the Space Lodge Lounge
In walks ‘no shoes – no service’ as the plates hit the ground
Her two-weeks notice just blew into town
There goes a red-headed legend in a blue chevrolet
He cools the evening with a Blue Ribbon beer
She’s chewin’ gum in his right ear
Broke down in Bedrock Canyon, dropped the clutch and pressure plate
You know the red-head took two quarts
Now she’s runnin’ great
There goes a red-headed legend in a blue chevrolet
I went on vacation, out on Interstate 10
The heat’s gettin’ to ya, so’s the wife and kids
He’ll rise up out of the blacktop, like a pagan god
And blow on by you like some mirage
There goes a red-headed legend in a blue chevrolet”
Also, “Make it Last” is a great Beat Farmers road-trip song, and “Wheels” is full of great car/music/sex double (triple?) entendres.
Mercury BLUES…..
A 54 Mercury Convertible , light Blue, santa Baby Eartha Kitt
Unless I missed it, can’t believe no one mentioned “Born To Be Wild” by Steppenwolf yet. Not specifically about a car, but usually associated with driving (fast).
One more good one is Cadillac Tears by Kevin Denney, about a divorceé who got all her ex’s money:
“She’s cruisin’ down the street with custom wheels and leather seats
You know she gets a new one every year
And she’s cryin’ big
Cadillac tears”
I had a love affair wiv Lena
In the back of my Cortina—– Ian Drury& the Blockheads
“Dodge Veg-a-Matic” by Jonathan Richman
Go ahead and buy it sir, go ahead and do it
You won’t get to far before you know you blew it.
Brakes are made of glass and the tires are vinyl
Try to take it back and find out all sales are final.
But I like it!
I really like this car a lot!
She’s my Dodge Veg-a-Matic, there in the parking lot