I spotted and shot this Camry the other day. I hate to say it, but cars with lots of bumper stickers on the back are become as rare as lots of old cars (not Camrys, though). Are bumper stickers passé?
Got any favorites you want to share?
This one is mine, as it pretty much started a whole huge genre of parody bumper stickers.
Like these, and so many more.
All my favorites are ones I’ve actually used:
“I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own”
“I <3 My Haters"
"Go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company" – Mark Twain
"Chaotic Neutral – BECAUSE I CAN"
I imagine if I get a wagon in my next car purchase I'll have to have a "WAGON MAFIA" sticker.
One on my car decades ago;
“Insanity is hereditary
you get it from your kids”
on unknown vehicle
I cannot ignore this one . . .
My favorites:
“Hungry? Eat your import!” – on the back bumper of a late 1970s Fiat.
“Clean Air? What a great idea!” – on the back bumper of a battered 1980s Isuzu that was burning copious amounts of oil.
I don’t like bumper stickers on my own cars, or license plate frames either for that matter, but right after I bought my 2016 Civic to become my new daily driver, I put this licence plate frame on my retired DD, now my pleasure (and back up) car. It was on the car until I got my shiny new Maryland Pride plates at the next tag renewal, and subsequently removed. At the time I thought it was funny, anyway…
When I had my old Suburban, many people used to say how it was a big gas guzzler or terrible for the environment (it actually was not bad on fuel, better than many pickups of the time). So I always wanted to get a bumper sticker that said “My other car is a Prius” because my wife actually did own one near the end of my “Burb’s” ownership. I figured that would have generated some interesting comments…
My favorite one that I saw somewhere says in big block letters: “I hate bumper stickers!”
I once made a funny sticker for one of my cars. I took a sticker that said “Student Driver” and cut out the section in the middle with the letters “D” and “E”, then spliced the two pieces together, so that it said “Stunt Driver”. Very few people noticed the gag, though, most just thought I was either an actual student driver or gave driving lessons.
“If you lived here you’d be home by now”…
Waaaay back in the day, I had a TR4 with a cut up Goldwater sticker that said, “DOGWATER ’64”
I still remember one on a car I was behind years ago. On Geary St right after it splits before Franklin St.
I found modern versions but they ruin the joke with
Just not as good joke writing. Remember: Three is funny (third choice is punch line), round is funny, and the letter K is funny.
That Subaru owner probably blows his gasket more than his engine does.
I saw a car with a Wottamatta University sticker. That’s Bullwinkle’s Alma mater.
In Hawaii those opposed to development in rural areas sport distinctive green stickers :
So, naturally the response:
Other faves:
I KNIT so I don’t KILL
Spinning: Because Knitting isn’t BORING enough
Jesus is Coming: Look Busy
Jesus Saves….Green Stamps!!!
I bought one of those 20 years ago and I had the opportunity to put it on several clunkers I have owned ever since.
Never did…
I still have the sticker.
I work in an ER, and several of my coworkers have this on their car (“I narcanned your honor student”, in case my image doesn’t attach)
I should explain, Narcan is what we give people to reverse an opioid overdose….
I keep seeing these on minivans lately
That’s a funny one. I would want one, but Im not a fan of putting stickers on my cars. Plus, I have been consistently uncool since forever.
My first comment after reading this site for years. Back in 2006 I frequently received a lot of flak from coworkers regarding my daily driver ’88 Cutlass Ciera. I had a better car but chose to rack up the miles on the Olds as long as it continued to run well. One evening after going out with a group from work I found this on my trunk. The handiwork of a coworker who had access to a label printer. It’s on magnetic label stock. I may still have the sticker somewhere. I sold the car for parts in 2008 with 202K on the odometer.
There was a sticker common in the 50s-60s, “MADE IN DETROIT BY IDIOTS” (which I saw in the glove compartment of a ’58 Edsel in a CC post). But I don’t like that one because it denigrates the hard and honest labor of assembly line workers. Just because people do repetitive, semi-skilled labor doesn’t make them “idiots”.
If a car is inherently bad, I would blame poor design engineering or “bean counter” cost-cutting, which comes from the top–those would be “the idiots”. The line workers always seem to get the bad rap for poor quality. A bad design will be a bad design, no matter how well it is assembled.