Posted at the Cohort by Canadiancatgreen. At least it wasn’t a cabriolet that was sacrificed for this. But it’s rather appealing, in a very utilitarian sort of way. One wonders why the German military didn’t have VW build this, or something like it, instead of the Kübelwagen. Or at least as an alternative.
All the tooling for the Beetle body wasn’t barely utilized during the war, as the Kübelwagen’s body was built by Ambi-Budd in Berlin. Now if they had done a Baja Bug front end on ot, it really would have worked.
That’s nice. I look at something like this as the reason why ratrod. Just a cool ole jalopy for some weekend fun. This type 3 pulls professional duties…
Yeah cut down VWs that have the suitcase engine work better the big fan makes the load deck too high on the others, seen a few of these over the years.
I’ve seen that one!
It was probably rolled, and some enterprising person made the most of what was left!
Goes to show how hard it is to kill an old VW.
You could be right about that I had a Matchbox car with a damaged roof actually 2 of them 1998 Mustang and a Porsche 914 and I made both into convertibles
Turned out fairly well
I think it just looks cool. It has me imagining a street rod version, a little taller windshield,perhaps a 40 Ford nose kit.
I am not a fan of the current trend of barely drivable lowered to the ground look on many classic buses and bugs at car shows and cruises.
Here’s one with a utility body
I see an admired authority has a nice essay/photos of a similar-ish pickup at Wolfsburg (1946):
Oh, him! The guy who wrote that is a well-known charlatan. Wouldn’t read anything he wrote.
I knew that looked familiar!
…and even before, there was this.
There was also this tidy-looking Type 81, made back in the bad old days when the VW was still known as the KdF-Wagen.
I can nearly feel the fleas flying back out of the hipster’s beard as he po-faces along (and in this thing, in Canada, he would so cool as one might suspect his tits were freezing off), but damn, it works. It just works.
That poor hacked up bastard.
Wow. Was this inspired by something, I wonder? Or is it more utilitarian than that (I need an open air VW truck)?
My dad had a series of VWs in the early 60’s. The first one was a pale blue ’58. Not like this one, though!
The Brits did something similar in WWII, with their 8 cwt utility cars, or Tillys. They kept the roof and fashioned a rear panel, but VW could have done the same.
It just figures that there would be a keg of beer in the same picture.
Hi there. My name is Steve. I’m the guy who built that military bug truck in the original post. I called it a “trug.” I built it for my daughter Danya in 2015 (hence the DB 15 on the fender). sold it as I was going through a divorce. Does anyone have contact with the current owner? I’d love to buy it back.