A quick question. What is wrong with this badge? It’s on a 2015 Land Rover 110 Station Wagon, one of the last series of the traditional Land Rover before production ended. This one was registered in November 2015.
Land Rover have used a badge in this form, identifying Birmingham or Solihull, (part of Birmingham and next to Coventry), Warwickshire or England and unashamedly rivetted on, for most of the vehicles’ production life, from 1947 to 2016.
Yes, 2016, not 2015. 1947-2015 actually became 1947-2016, 29 January (at 9.22am to be precise), simply due to the demand for the final models.
There’s a new Defender coming on-stream now. I suspect, though, that the badging will always be unsatisfactory to many classic Land Rover fans, and maybe even confusing to others, and not just because it won’t cover a period of over 60 years. However much it looks the business, promises much and is likely to be a class act, somehow “Land Rover Nitra Slovakia” won’t sound the same.
I saw this vehicle last week and came away quite impressed. Land Rover definitely has their own style and look that the other manufacturers copied but have moved on from, leaving LR as the classic. There is a Ford Flex look to it that Ford’s attempt didn’t quite get because of the Flex being too large. Then the interior is outstanding in design and execution.
I just wish it was half the price I saw on that sticker. But then, if it was there would be too many on the road.
There’s a new Defender coming on-stream
*looks at picture*
Yeah, that checks out.
Since when was the Land Rover a ‘Heritage Station Wagon’?
i think you mean ‘Best Four by Four by Far’
Meanwhile, the Bollinger has taken the classic shape for itself. Not quite there, but the reference is no mistake.
i’ve kind of lost it with british cars… except for lotus… i really like lotus… aston martin too i suppose. anything else car wise from britain… not a fan anymore.
Everything new must be smooth, flush, curved and plastic with alloy wheels, Why?
Looks like a souped up 1999 Ford Escape