Trailside Outtakes: One’s a Mystery to Me, the Other Isn’t

[I took these photo’s last Fall and wrote this up at the end of 2020, but didn’t get around to scheduling it until now, in case some of the seasonal references seem off]

I volunteer with a local trail-building and advocacy group, and had the opportunity to go up into an open space area where we are mapping out new trails. We’d actually been up there earlier in the year and had flagged several miles of trails, when a summer wildfire whipped through the area. Our flags were gone, so we came back to start over, and discovered this wreckage. It’s perhaps unsightly to some; to others, an archaeological find which should remain undisturbed. To me it’s an unknown.

But I’m sure the CC-experts will recognize it. Here’s some more detail. Front drum brakes suggest it’s no newer than early seventies, if that new. The green in the background is madrone, shooting up even after just a few drops of rain. The forest is already recovering.

A close-up of that brake drum. For me this would be a unsolvable CC Clue, but I’m sure one of you will get it right away.

The following weekend we went camping on some BLM land in Central California, before the stay-at-home orders came into effect and all campgrounds were closed down in our region. We found this Subaru full of trash and shot up, hopefully on its way to being hauled out. Not intended as a political or cultural statement so please spare your comments, but I found it curiously photogenic in the dry coastal California oak woodland.