Vintage Carriers: 1963 Cadillacs Being Delivered New

A few months ago I posted a couple of old photos featuring some ’63 Caddys being delivered. Their location? Barrett Cadillac, in Youngstown, OH. Turned out in later browsing that it wasn’t just a couple of images, but a whole sequence showing the new models arriving at the dealer. With many of the moments of their delivery nicely captured in full color.

So, this time we’ll go through the full collection. A chance to see the action, and well, the Cadillacs.

The load arrives, nicely covered for transport and guarding those ’63 styling updates. Some of the dealer’s facilities appear to be at the right, with a few older -yet shiny- Cadillacs parked.

Here’s a different view, with a ’59 on the left and a ’57 on the right.

One more photo in the exterior before entering the dealer’s grounds.

The COE semi tractor enters and gets ready to unload some new Caddys.

Top one comes down first. However, my eyes are oddly attracted to the three-tone ’56 Dodge in the parking area.

Cadillac men. One smiling, the other less so. (Worried about their cars getting a scratch?)

More unloading action, with a light yellow ’56 Poncho making an appearance in the back.

No scratches so far!

Last of the bunch to come out. Though my eyes are now fixated on that Jeep FC on the right.

Delivery day done!  So, can I interest you in a new Caddy?


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