Vintage Photo: 1955 Chevy With A ’59 Front End – Keeping Up Appearances In Soviet Russia

This remarkable old photo from the USSR was posted in a comment by Big Beat. It shows a 1955 Chevy sedan that was updated with ’59 Chevy front clip. These kind of modifications were not uncommon in the USSR at the time as those affluent enough to have bought something as rare as a ’55 Chevy or other prestigious car, European, American or Russian, could afford to have the bodies updated since there was no way to trade this in for a real ’59 Chevy.

And just how was the significantly wider ’59 Chevy front end grafted on? A close look at the grille shows that.

The grille and hood were narrowed, as can be seen by the reduced spacing of the outermost “bullets” in the grille. And the front of the door was modified a bit to make the transition there a bit less jarring.

Unfortunately there’s no shot of its rear end, which also looks to have been updated some too. It now appears to slope down a bit, having lost its straight fender line and fin. One can only speculate, but sadly it does not seem to be sporting a ’59 Chevy’s batwings.