Vintage Snapshots: Cars And Fins Of The 1950s

Today’s gallery pays homage to that very 1950s automotive fixation: the fins. Do they need an introduction? Probably not. It’s, after all, one item forever associated with mid-century American car styling, clearly derived from the then recently dawned Jet Age. Flamboyant and eye-grabbing, the fad came and went as if passing by in rocket boosters. But like a long-lasting jet plume, their memory just lingers on.

The technically inclined can claim that beyond the extroverted styling, there wasn’t much truly rocket age about the cars themselves. And they would be right. But in hindsight, such an affectation seems almost inevitable. With love for aeronautics being an influence on the automotive world since its early days, plane themes were bound to reach the mainstream at some point. And they truly did so in the 1950s.

So this gallery focuses on shots with fins. Not always the best images, but all with at least some fins starring. From the demure to the flamboyant, some with ‘rockets’, some oddly shaped; this short gallery should speak to fans of the Space Age.

The images date from the 1950s to the early 1960s, though all included fins are (mostly) 1950s vintage. Finally, the ’59 Caddy in Hawaii is making a repeat appearance, but doesn’t it just deserve to be featured here?


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