Vintage Snapshots: Cars From The 1950s In Two-Tones – Colors And Colors

Let’s revisit the topic of colors, with colors on top. Should you feel there’s not enough in the modern automotive world, then this gallery is for you. A collection of American iron in bright two-tone treatments.

We’ll open with the ’57 Fairlane Town Sedan above, in what looks like will be a family outing.

1950 Oldsmobile 2-door sedan.

1954 Chevrolet BelAir two-door Sport Coupe.

1954 Buick Century.

1954 Pontiac Chieftain.

1954 Oldsmobile Holiday Coupe.

1955 Chrysler.

1955 Chevrolet BelAir.

1955 Nash Statesman.

1955 Ford Fairlane Victoria.

1956 Plymouth Savoy.

1950s Nash Metropolitan.

1958 Ford Thunderbird.


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