You’ve just discovered the endless automotive treasure hunt. We prowl the streets to find and document any interesting car regardless of whether it’s a genuine classic or a tired beater. Our motto is “Every car has a story”, and we’re going to coax one out of each of them: a unique place in automotive history, the origins of its design, a treasured family heirloom, a childhood memory, a wild youthful drive or tragic breakdown, and memories of automotive love or disdain. It’s about context, not just the dry facts; although we respect those too. And your comments are a big part of creating the stories. This is a collaborative effort, so please come on in, register, start adding to the stories, and pass the the word: Curbside Classic is the place for lovers of older cars, and more.
There are now thousands of Curbside Classics here, a living time capsule of collective knowledge, experiences and history. Most are accessible from the Portals on the right side of the front page. Or use the “Search Curbside Classic” by Google up on the upper right side.
And there’s more too: Automotive Histories on brands, technology, design and profiles of historically significant cars that won’t likely be found on the street. The Auto-Biography gets a complete makeover, expanded and fully illustrated, as well as auto-biographical series from other writers (Cars Of A Lifetime, or COAL). And lots of other content too, from editorials to short-form blog pieces including CC Outtakes and anything and everything that grabs our interest and imagination from the wide world of cars, as well as other vehicles including trucks, buses, bikes, trains, planes and almost anything that moves under its own power.
We also have a place where readers can post their finds: CC Cohort/Flickr. Any pictures posted there may also show up at the CC main page. And we always welcome guest submissions, if you’d like to try your hand at writing anything that fits under our big tent. More info on first time Submissions is here. And if you want to reach us otherwise, the Contact form is here, or on the navigation bar.
CC’s Commenting Policy: Commenting at CC is a privilege, not a right. We review and moderate all comments. We insist that all commenting be kept civil, without any personal attacks on other commenters, the site, and its writers/contributors. Also, we do not allow politicking/overt political comments, racism, misogyny, and any comments that disparage any groups in general, and/or are overtly negative or critical in a manner that becomes obnoxious, offensive, or tedious. Simply expressing the same point of view repeatedly, even if it may appear inoffensive, can run afoul of our commenting moderation.
We want comments to contribute to the content of the articles. That can include civil disagreement with the content or other comments, but they cannot slip into personal attacks as described above. All comments may be edited, or deleted if they do not meet our guidelines. Repeat and/or egregious offenders will lose their comment privileges at CC.
We welcome your comments if they are germane to the article and other comments, but we do not welcome self-promoting links to your own blog or website, or to other sites unless there’s a compelling reason.
One more thing: we do not sell any cars. All the cars and other vehicles seen on our pages are just for us too look at and discuss; not to sell. Please don’t contact us about buying anything you see in our posts. They’re not for sale. And we don’t dispense advice on repairs, selling and buying old cars.
Yes…this is awesome! So glad you are back! I’ve got a feeling there is lots to look forward to! Thanks for all the effort in gettting the site up and best of luck going forward.
Congrats, Paul, on the new site. I won’t have to suffer through CC withdrawals again!
Great. Now I have to split my time between two auto websites. Congratulations, Paul, on your very own auto site! I’ll be a consistent visitor for sure!
A combination of my poor computer skills,the generated passsword,and my ancient lap top,made getting here an adventure. But I made it. Good luck Paul.
Mikey; it’s an honor and pleasure to have you here. We go back quite a ways. Sorry about the adventure, but never stop having them! It keeps life interesting. See you around…
Hi Paul,
Just now saw your post from December 11, 2015 on the 1965 Chevrolet Impala caprice 396… I just picked one up that’s the same kind of car …with 41,800 box A original miles on it , from the family whose father bought it brand new .
A no rust California Arizona car needs repainted because the paint has faded ….The original color was night orchid…and just like that car and I saw in your story… it was loaded with every option you could get that I’m aware of.
… I may be looking to part with it in the near future due to my health…
I wanted to say to you thanks for your research and appreciation for the cars that I read stories about you have done a good job also with the 65 caprice story that was really great… you have my email address you’re always welcome to contact if you like… sincerely Jim Marion jr.
Congratulations Paul! The site looks good and promising. I wish you lots of fun and success with it.
So glad to have you back on my browser, Paul. Looking forward to many many enlightening stories! Best of luck with the new site!
Love the site. I enjoy taking pics of car shows. I’m always on the lookout for cars “on the road”. Every time I go to Wal-Mart I look around for something unusual.
“bring a trailer” is another good site.
Paul, I’ve already added ‘Curbside Classic’ to my favorites. This site is a wonderful testament to automotive history presented in a unique fashion that examines all kinds of cars that many of us grew up with and relate to. Very enjoyable. Welcome back.
This is such a thrill. As with so many things, I thought I had discovered your writings at the old site far too late. But you’re back, and by the looks of things, better than ever.
This has already become one of my favorite sites. Keep up the good work.
Love the site so far, Paul. Between CC, Bring a Trailer, Just a Car Geek and Barnfinder, not much time left in my day for work….!
Dan D
Congratulations Paul. It’s great to see you back online with your new site.
It looks like you’re getting settled in, getting things sorted out, and I have a backlog of new CCs and articles to read. 🙂
I just realized you’re here! Curbside Classic was my favorite feature of TTAC. I still read it, but now I’ll be a regular here, too. Thanks!
Welcome back. How did you find us?
Great site!
Can I add my curbside classic? How do I go about that?
I could have been following you recently
Two ways: You can just post photos on our CC Flickr page (see link on top menu bar or here it is:
Or you can write it up as a “My Curbside Classic” and send the text and pictures to me at curbsideclassic (at)
Very enjoyable site, and some great writing! Thanks!
Looks like I got ANOTHER place to visit in my internet rounds…….I’m gonna need an app to manage my favorites……….
Someone on posted a link on Niedermayer’s write-up on the Vista Cruiser. Then I noticed a write-up on the Mazda RX-4, with a pic of one identical to one I had owned. I’m guessing there’s already write-ups on a lot of the vehicles I’ve owned over the years. If not, maybe I’ll write something!
Great web stop!
Great, now I have to follow this site, TTAC, Car Lust, and Jalopnik to keep my car site viewings complete!
I just love these old Chrysler New Yorker 5th avenues, Since my Imperial (a 91) died I had to have another this is also a 91 and in mint condition I was very lucky to find her. Her name is Crystal.
Back in high school i dreamed of driving a BMW, any would do, but one was at the top of my list. I saw an ad in 1987 featuring “The Ultimate Tanning Machine” Well 25 years later and I finally have my dream car, a pristine, one owner, 39K mile example, never even driven in rain and a local So Cal car. I am enjoying this e30 immensely and only driving her 1x every 2 weeks or so to maintain the low miles. Definitely a keeper!
Great website! Truly enjoyable! Love the stories and the pictures of real, somewhat forgotten cars. You have a new follower!
I own a 1963 Buick Wildcat 4 Dr. Hardtop. Found it on the “Lemon Lot” on Fort Lewis here in Washington. It’s been about 6 years and a few $$ but she’s come around nicely. I’m working on keeping it all original. It’s a blast to drive. For me it’s nothing like a land yacht with a recliner to drive!
CC is one of my top 5 best website. I love to see those ” reall ” old cars . (4 door, not load with option, fainting paint, muscle cars with hubcaps, etc. )
Continue the good work.
I an new to this website and I continue to be amazed by the knowledge I encounter in these articles. I am 55 yrs old, and owned a few of the classics of the 60′s and 70′s like the 68 Firebird 400, the 67 Camaro 327, and a 69 Dodge Coronet among others. The Firebird is the one that I wish I had never sold.
You know I stumbled on this site not really knowing what it was about a few months ago and lurked around. I love it! It’s like an online interactive magazine, and I’m now hooked seeing what everyone finds. The various comments from peoples experiences from way back when are just as good as having someone come up to your old car and saying they had one just like it and tell you stories. Just a great site!
Wow! In my neck of the woods that Imperial would have probably ended up(sadly) with bulls eyes on its door for entry in a sporting event vs sitting in a junkyard
I have to say this is the best site I have ever been on. I have been taking pictures of old cars for years (unfortunately they were all on a horrible cell phone). I wish I saved them all.
I just joined CC and I am enjoying all the stories about cars and people.
Already read about 95 Audi wagons and I should be very happy I found this Audi with only 37000 miles. Just bought it.!!
Thank you CC.
Our daughter is restoring a ’69 econoline E 180/302 camper van. We are looking for a dog house to make it complete. Anyone know where we could get one?
Where is curb side classics located I have an Intrest in buying at least 3-4 cars off this site
We don’t sell cars.
Well I like to know where was the car location was in the ad of this site with the ford T-Birds ford trucks and a host of 50-60 Chevy cars it looked as it was off of some southern rual highway ? Can you give me the name of that location if it’s available ?
I think you mean the “CC Graveyard”:
It’s located in Eugene. And some of the cars are being sold by Copart in Eugene:
Paul, I love your site but am having trouble registering. I enter my info and click the button, but never receive the verification email. I checked my spam folder it’s not in there either. In the meantime I have just been leaving comments as a guest, and loving the trip down memory lane this site gives.
I will say also I am now inspired to do some classic hunting myself. Ironically, I discovered this site because I passed by a Merkur XR4Ti the other day and immediately, like the car geek I am, went home and started looking up details on it which led me here. I am hoping I can find a rare gem you guys may not have run across, being that I live near the Canadian border and we get all sorts of Canada-only rebadged oddities like Chevy Corsica based Pontiac Tempest and the Ford Explorer based Mazda Navajo down here.
As I reminded my son just a few days ago.. of a saying that I had a couple of decades ago, “Ugly cars run better!” He didn’t disagree. He keeps waiting for his ’94 Volvo turbocharged 940 wagon to die—-and it keeps refusing to die! Even the A/C works!
Me? I drive late 80s RWD FoMoCos… with appreciation for the slightly longer wheelbase of the Town Cars: reliable, cheap, comfortable, & tough. An unbeatable combination!
I love these cars and this forum. Not sure how I got deleted from here but sure looking forward to every notification again! You guys and every contributed is always so refreshing to hear from! Keep up the amazing job!
I am so happy to have this site coming back to my notifications.
I have always been a car geek. I have bought and sold upwards of 30 vehicles. I am not a salesman nor work as a mechanic but I love fixing my own vehicles. I have a hankering towards 50’s and 60’s cars, muscle cars of all stripes and F series trucks. Therefore I find unlimited pleasure in this site!.
I also own the 68 mustang I have had at eighteen which I have changed colours and drive trains on a couple times over the years…
Addict for life
Love this site but for some reason I keep getting bumped off… not sure why. Anyway I can get back onto the email list?
Me too! I even re-registered. It said to check my email….still waiting. I don’t get new posts,replies….nothing! If I have been banned, at least let me know. I’m on a bunch of different blogs/newsletters daily so if I don’t get the latest posts I’ll forget to check the site manually (I haven’t even checked in weeks). Oh well, It was fun while it lasted. ?
Big congratulations to the Editors of this website WHICH IS THE BEST among other North American internet publishers, no wonder Curbside Classic is becoming a leader for the global automotive readers, so it also creates a good sense of internacional brethern among people from every nations, so You even are contributing to let many outsiders to appreciate the amazingly large American directory by starting the discusion with every single model of the past décadas, always enriched with gorgeous pictures, then men and women from all over the world can get a friendly approach to the USA culture and you allowed a quite vibrating virtual dialogue between people from the 6 Continents as if they were at once sharing the same classroom, we all are apprentices of this unending treasure so called the world of automobile’s accademy . Great, great job to every member of the The Curbside Classic website !!!
By the way, since mostly American and Canadian readers get catched in the intrigue every time Curbside Classic is unveiling ignored-unknown designs from abroad who were never seen in the big America’s soil, let me please yo suggest you a very wise ordered source of marks models and true “streetable” cars since ca.1960 on , from real unknown owners who are parking their gems at open places or simply down the streets of Italy, since they probably have the most aging stock of everyday’s automobiles, and they’ve a national passion for keeping their cars still alive. Brands are introduced from A to Z picture by picture so se have a lot to learn about strange names given to cars that weren’ t ever mentioning in América. This hard job is helpful to clear up many confusions depending the country a same car is sold with different marketing names, because we all discovered so late that one single designed shape can be disguised with different name and masked for bargain exports/imports to the other continents where some cars do arribe but 6 years lateral or so
( Who could forget the episode Ford Sierra made in Koln , Germany,. rebadged as a Merkur XRTi for the American criteria of placing a “different” vehicle ? ).
Ok , all of this jeopardy almost journalist work is magically at the fingertips by searching the Italianisches word
” targhenere net ” , avanti e buon apettito ! Thank You very much to the most beloved website Who you are their creators, i mean Curbside Classic nevertheless.
Cheeeers from every angle of the Planet .
Any news or Information on my abandoned Mercury Cougar Eliminator, with Oklahoma tags, in Pennsylvania in early 70’s ?? Would Greatly appreciate any info.
I’m so happy this website is still around. I remember reading your articles on TTAC and enjoying them immensely, such as the story behind how the Olds 4-4-2 got its name and the 7 litre Ford engine that made all of 130 hp. I remember you’d left to create this site, but couldn’t for the life of me find it.
I’m excited to dive into the back catalog and see what’s out there.
None of my jpegs are showing up in my replies. What could be the issue?
The contact form is returning an error (no email address to send this to Paul), so I am using this to let Paul and CC readers know of the recent updates to TranBC web site that is posting the 1966 Road Trip Time Machine videos.
Local news coverage here:
TranBC web site:
Interesting viewing for sure, especially for CC’ers.
Something is wrong! Have long enjoyed CURBSIDE Classics. Last few weeks get the posts, but get sent to BAD REQUEST. Hope CC fixes this. Took my tablet to Best Buy Geek Squad. Could not fix and said it must be CC website.
It’s not the CC website. This has happened to some other folks once in a while. You need to clear your device. Try a different device; you’ll see we’re alive and well!
Thanks, Trainman. We’ve got some excerpts of these at CC:
If you haven’t already would love to see pictures of high school parking lots from the 60s.
And seventies.
Thinking back to my high school days?But parking lots were full of awesome vehicles.